Tuesday 16 February 2010

Sad News From Vozzek69

News has reached us that Lost Blogging Collective member Vozzek69's home has been destroyed in a fire.

Thankfully, everybody is safe and okay, but unfortunately he will have to rebuild essentially his whole life from scratch. I don't know about you, but apart from death and injury, that is one of the worst things that can happen to a person.

Updates can be found via DarkUFO.blogspot.com. I don't know how much good it will do, but to show support I am going to order a copy of Vozzek's book "Things You Never Noticed About Lost" - I have been a huge fan of Vozzek's writing, so I hope this will go some way towards helping him rebuild his home and his life.

From the sounds of things, Vozz has a lot of support around him in terms of friends and family and has already began rebuilding, but if you have never had the opportunity to check out Vozz's work, I suggest you begin now and discover what a wonderful person and writer he is. You can find his work at:

http://www.thingsinoticed.com/ (Vozzek's website)
http://darkufo.blogspot.com/ (Vozzek's recaps/analysis)
http://the-odi.blogspot.com/ (Vozzek is a regular guest on The ODI's podcasts)

My best wishes and hopes are with you Vozzek.


  1. Hey I just started reading this blog, good work here.

    Now on to the important stuff, I hope Voz can come through this extremely upsetting time like a phoenix out of the ashes of the fire (Quite literally), and that his life will now be better as a result. Fire has a way of refining things and I hope that he takes the advantage to think of it that way. I know it'll be hard at first but in the future maybe he can look back at this as a good thing in the long run. Well wishes to him and his.

    P.S. His book is awesome I bought one the week it came out and it literally took me only two nights to read it, it's a really interesting take on all that is "Lost" and you'll see that as you read it, you'll be compelled to pop in your DVD's to see some of the things he points out. Enjoy the book, my friend!

    Your fellow Lost-Nerd,


  2. Cheers for the comment Rick,

    I've been a huge fan of Vozz's for a long time now, I think his analysis is fantastic and it's always great to hear his thoughts on The ODI's podcast, so I've no doubts I will love his book.

    Let's hope things get better for him soon!

    - Chris


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